Welcome new Director Stephen Walley


The TCF is delighted to have Stephen Walley join the Board of Directors.

Stephen had a 35 year career in the Tasmanian Education Department, serving as principal of St Helens District High School, St Marys District School and Prospect High School. He then became a private Educational Consultant, where he was a member of the national Big Picture Education Australia leadership team and played a critical role in establishing the Launceston Big Picture School.

Currently, he works as a part-time Project Manager of Break O Day Employment Connect, one of eight Jobs Tasmania Regional Jobs Hubs.

In addition to his professional roles, Stephen is actively involved in the community as a director on the board of the St Helens/St Marys Bendigo Community Bank and as the president of the East Coast Swans Football Club.

Stephen has a strong interest in mobilising and developing local community capacity to create thriving regional communities.

Stephen said joining the TCF Board will provide an excellent opportunity to support local communities in taking action to achieve great outcomes for their communities and Tasmanians in general.

Increasing community wellbeing by removing barriers to learning is the key focus our strategic plan and we are looking forward to Stephen brining his vast education experience to the table.  His term on the Board will commence on 1 January 2024.