Funding News


The Tasmanian Community Fund’s (TCF) latest grants were approved at the December board meeting, providing over $1.5 million to community projects, including $1.2 million in community infrastructure.

This round of grants includes a multifunctional community shed in George Town, a major renovation of a commercial kitchen space at a Launceston school and a governance boost to a program that brings local community groups together in Clarence Plains.

Kingston Primary School’s $96,000 is being used to expand their existing 24 Carrot Garden, adding an outdoor kitchen, classroom, polytunnel, and additional garden beds.

“The aim of Kingston Primary School has always to build a sense of community, and this outdoor classroom and additional garden beds will strengthen the connection between Kingston Primary School and the wider Kingston community,” Kingston Primary School Principal Angela Crane said.

“The main idea around enhancing this facility is that it will not only have more produce but also assist with our student driven programs, such as our Wellbeing Wednesday which provides a nutritious lunch to two classes each week.

“It will also provide those crucial kitchen literacy skills that will have a great impact in the broader community and in students' homes.”

Save the Children Australia’s $178,571 grant will be put towards empowering ‘Hands on Learning’ partner schools to undertake student-led infrastructure projects enhancing their learning outcomes and benefiting both the school and local community in 2024 and 2025.

George Town Neighbourhood House received $300,000 to construct an adaptable and

multifunctional area aimed at decreasing isolation, promoting community engagement, and facilitating diverse and interactive activities.

Smithton High School’s $200,000 grant will be used to provide outdoor play spaces for students to de-stress and regulate their emotions. The upgrade is especially helpful for year 7 students who are transitioning from primary school and may miss enjoying the playground.

Devonport Chaplaincy Inc. will use their $300,000 grant to upgrade their freezer and cool room, enabling Tasmanians to have dignified access to local, seasonal and nutritious food.

Once Community Together has been awarded $363,000 to create stronger connections in their community and develop a more sustainable governance framework. The grant will lead to more targeted community led solutions in their work that seeks to create better access to education, employment and learning by having a deeper understanding the needs of the local community.