Grassroots Community Governance


The free, fun and useful Grassroots Community Governance program started in February, with the first workshop for the year held in Fingal.

The enthusiastic participants representing 10 organisations gained important insights about their legal, moral and ethical responsibilities when on a committee.

Since 2022, co-facilitators, Donna Bain, Ella Dixon and Steve Allen have been delivering committee training around Tasmania to support community organisations to strengthen their governance.

Donna said building knowledge and awareness of existing and new volunteers gives people the skills and confidence to take on committee roles.

“Governance topics such as strategy, statutory responsibilities, conflict of interest, finance and risk management can be daunting and the workshops have been designed to provide a good overview of the ‘must-knows’ of being on a committee,” she said.

There are still another 14 workshops to be held throughout the year around the state. Next up is Flinders Island on Friday 15 March.

To register for a workshop near you, or to find out more information here (link)

The Grassroots Community Governance program is a fully funded initiative by the Tasmanian Community Fund.