Overdue Reporting Process

Each round there are a few project proponents that submit their final reports late or provide inaccurate or insufficient financial information.  The Tasmanian Community Fund (TCF) Board must consider the risks associated with providing further funding to proponents who have not demonstrated a capacity to submit their final reports, evidence of expenditure or return unspent/incorrectly spent grant monies in a timely manner.

To manage the reporting process fairly, and to ensure that the TCF is appropriately managing any risks associated with further funding support, the process tabled below has been adopted by the TCF Board from 1 July 2014.


What Actions will TCF Staff Undertake


At least two weeks prior to report being due

Email proponent reminder that report is due on specific date


Within two weeks of report being overdue

Email and phone call to proponent informing them that their report is overdue and that they will be ineligible for further funding until their project is acquitted.

Proponent ineligible for funding.  Applications not to be considered.

Once a month between when report is due and up to 3 months after overdue

Email and phone call to proponent informing them that their report is overdue and that they will be ineligible for further funding until their project is acquitted.

Proponent ineligible for funding.  Applications not to be considered.

Once a month between 3 months and up to 5 months after overdue

Email and phone call to proponent and most senior staff member/volunteer every month informing them that their report is overdue and that they will be ineligible for further funding until their project is acquitted.

Proponent ineligible for funding.  Applications not to be considered.

Six months overdue

Letter to responsible person (cc most senior staff member/volunteer) informing proponent that their report is overdue and that they will be ineligible for funding for an equivalent amount of time from when the report was due until it is received

Proponent ineligible for funding for equivalent amount of time from when report is due until it is received.  For example, if all the information required for the final report is received seven months after it is due, the proponent is not eligible for funding for a further seven months.

Six months to eleven months

Email and phone call to proponent and most senior staff member/volunteer every month informing them that their report is overdue and that they will be ineligible for funding for an equivalent amount of time from when all required information is received.

Proponent ineligible for funding for equivalent amount of time from when report is due until it is received.  For example, if all the information required for the final report is received seven months after it is due, the proponent is not eligible for funding for a further seven months.

Twelve months overdue

Letter to responsible person (cc most senior staff member/volunteer) informing proponent that their report is overdue and that they will be ineligible for funding for three years from when all the required information for their final report is received

Proponent ineligible for funding for three years from when all the required information is received

13 months to 35 months overdue

Email and phone call to proponent and most senior staff member/volunteer every three months informing them that their report is overdue and that they will be ineligible for funding for three years from when all required information is received.

Proponent ineligible for funding for three years from when all the required information is received

36 months (3 years)

Letter to responsible person (cc most senior staff member/volunteer) informing proponent that their report is overdue and that they will be ineligible for funding for seven years from when all the required information for their final report is received

The proponent is moved to a secondary list that is not provided to the Board each meeting.

Proponent ineligible for funding for seven years from when all the required information is received

37 months to 47 months

Email and phone call to proponent and most senior staff member/volunteer every six months informing them that their report is overdue and that they will be ineligible for funding for seven years from when all required information is received.

Proponent ineligible for funding for seven years from when all the required information is received

48 months (4 years)

Letter to responsible person (cc most senior staff member/volunteer) informing proponent that their report is overdue and that as they have not demonstrated a capacity to meet the reporting requirements and that the TCF Board must take into consideration risks associated with organisations who are unable to meet these requirements,  they will be ineligible for future funding from the TCF

Proponent is ineligible for any future funding